

2023-08-22 06:43:14 科技数码 1510浏览

The phrase "working principles" refers to the basic ideas or concepts behind how something functions or operates. In the context of English vocabulary, it refers to how words are formed and used in the language.


The working principles of English words can be described in several ways. One aspect is their origins. English vocabulary is a rich and diverse mix of words from different sources. There are words of Germanic origin, such as "house" and "book," which form the core of the English language. There are also words borrowed from other languages, such as Latin and French, which have contributed to the vocabulary. For example, words like "adjective" and "restaurant" are derived from Latin and French respectively. Additionally, there are words that have been created through the process of word formation, such as "computer" and "internet."

Another aspect of the working principles of English words is their structure. English words are typically made up of one or more morphemes, which are the smallest meaningful units of language. For example, the word "unhappiness" is made up of three morphemes: "un-" (meaning "not"), "happy" (meaning "pleased" or "content"), and "-ness" (which converts the adjective "happy" into the noun "happiness").

The way words are used in sentences is also an important aspect of their working principles. English uses a system of word order to convey meaning. Typically, English sentences follow a subject-verb-object order, such as "The cat chased the mouse." However, word order can be changed for emphasis or to convey a different meaning. For example, "The mouse was chased by the cat" has the same basic meaning, but places emphasis on the mouse rather than the cat. Additionally, English has a system of inflection, where words change form to indicate tense, number, and other grammatical features. For example, the verb "to walk" can change to "walks" in the present tense and "walked" in the past tense.

In conclusion, the working principles of English words involve their origins, structure, and usage. Understanding these principles can help learners of English to build their vocabulary and use words accurately and effectively.

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